Nails are one of the main subtleties of the image of a healthy and successful person. I want them to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. In any case, the nails will never go unnoticed by others.
There comes a time when they start to turn yellow and peel off. And in cases where they are not followed at all, the nail plate may detach from the finger.
The culprit for all this is fungus. And if you neglect your nails, the treatment will be long and painful.
This article will talk about what types of nail polishes are available for toenail fungus, a list of medications, and tips on how to use them properly.
Causes of nail fungus
It is easy to get infected with this disease if you do not follow personal hygiene. You can catch it in the pool, sauna, locker room, provided you don't use your personal shoes.
Fungus often affects toenails.This is due to the moist environment that occurs when wearing closed shoes.. This disease brings great discomfort to girls. Since in summer they wear open shoes, and this wound can have a bad effect on the female body.

Deviation from the normal condition of the nails can develop due to emotional overload, constant stress and reduced immunity. The reasons that can cause the appearance of fungus are considered to be bad habits and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
You can get infected quickly, but treatment will take a long time. Treatment of nail fungus will take a long time.
On the toes, treatment can last up to six months, but on the hands up to 12 months.
And then, provided you follow all the necessary instructions from the doctor throughout the period.
Varnish as a safe method of killing nail fungus
After infection of fingernails or toenails with fungus, the question immediately arises: "what should you use so as not to harm your body? ""And then the answer is given. In medicine, there are all kinds of options to fight nail fungus.
The list of options can be counted on your fingers, there are not many of them. This includes medicines and ointments.But in the initial stages of infection, when a small part of the surface is affected, doctors recommend the use of varnish. It is convenient and easy to use and also easily gets rid of this unrelenting infection.
How do varnishes work?
As mentioned earlier, the varnish should be used at the beginning of the fungal infection. Before using it, you need to understand what they are. The product has several varieties.
One of them can be made from an element whose base includes oil. These varnishes are most often used when the nails are dry. And the second type are alcohol varnishes. Their components have a detrimental effect on the condition of the fungi, gradually destroying them completely.
Fungal spores are special organisms that multiply during infection. They are very delicate and therefore removed without difficulty.

The essence of the varnish is to penetrate inside the nail plate and destroy the spores. Since this product is liquid, it will adhere perfectly and cover the entire surface of the plate. After that, the varnish base begins to dry.
After the varnish dries, the ability of the fungal spores to interact with oxygen is limited and without air they cannot reproduce and exist. And already 2 days after application, the concentration of the varnish becomes maximum and harmful spores die.
Recommendations for the correct application of varnish
In order for the process of combating the fungus to proceed carefully and accurately, you must carefully monitor the required dosage and follow all the recommendations of a specialist.
After choosing a specific nail polish for nail fungus from the list, you will need to follow some instructions:
- Before using an antifungal varnish, you should carefully read the instructions for use;
- It is best to make a hot bath (take 50 grams of laundry soap and 1 tablespoon of baking soda). In this mixture, you need to steam the nail plate. It is important that it softens completely within 20 minutes. Why laundry soap? Perfectly eliminates disputes;
- With the help of the nail file included in the varnish kit, you need to carefully remove the keratinized part of the tissue so that it is more convenient for the preparation to enter the internal structure of the nail;
- After all these points you need to degrease the skin.
Several helpers will come to the rescue:
- alcohol mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
- iodine mixture (a few drops of iodine per teaspoon);
- methylene blue solution (you can buy it at any pharmacy).
By choosing one of the options,you need to soak a cotton pad or napkin with this mixture and carefully wipe the sick nail.
- the infected areas are ready to apply the basic healing properties. You can treat both affected and healthy nails;
- It should be applied strictly according to the instructions described in this product.
And in order not to be afraid that the varnish may not be chosen correctly,It is better to consult a dermatologist. Because when you buy you can buy a medicine that opposes the wrong form of fungus that you have to fight.
The treatment of mycosis should in no case be carried out independently, only after consulting a doctor.
In situations with ingrown nails, this issue requires special attention. In such casesthe fungus covers the entire location of the nail, both inside and outside. Solution: get a manicure or pedicure by soaking your feet in a healing bath first.
In the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails, it is worth paying attention to the fact thathealing properties can accumulate much more on the toes than on the hands.
Therefore, it is not recommended to use several varnishes at the same time, as this can lead to a deterioration of the antifungal properties.
Side effects and contraindications of varnish
The list of varnishes for toenail fungus is diverse and requires individual consideration of each drug. In turn, such varnishes are a medical product. Not to be confused with cosmetics. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications.The only exception is a drug based on an emulsion of polyvinyl acetate with formic aldehyde and biologically active metabolites of bacteria of the genus Bacillus.The manufacturer reports that anyone can use it, it is harmless.
Contraindications for the use of other medicinal varnishes are as follows::
- do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- not allowed for use in children;
- Not recommended for hypersensitivity to lacquer elements.
And among the side effects, the appearance of allergies due to components that lead to itching and hives can be noted.
Antifungal varnishes retain their healing properties for three months. They should be stored in a dark place.
Top 4 of the most effective healing varnishes
In the case of a fungal infection, doctors most often prescribe medicated varnishes for toenail fungus. The list of popular includes 4 lacs.
Lacquer from the morpholine group (made in France)
This drug is the most popular. Therefore, it is prescribed by doctors during professional treatment.It can be used even in the most advanced stages of the disease. Its main healing element is a substance that can penetrate the nail plate and stop the infection process.
The action starts the day after use.An additional component of the varnish is iodine. It destroys all germs on the surface of the infected part. The varnish has a positive effect on the plate and its structure, strengthening the nail. Sometimes a feeling of discomfort is observed in patients due to a burning sensation in the applied areas.
Its effect lasts up to a week. Therefore, it should be applied no more than once a week.
Lacquer is contraindicated during pregnancyAnd.
The duration of its use is from 9 to 12 months, until the nail plate returns to its original state.
Lacquer from the oxypyridone group (made in Germany)
According to the manufacturer, the varnish copes with 58 types of fungi. This product has the property of cooling the skin and drying quickly. After the first application, the bacteria immediately cease to exist.The varnish treats mycosis of the skin and fungal vaginaT.
Also, while using it, your nails will smell nice. The varnish is not compared to other means, except the previous one.
These two varnishes are most often recommended by doctors to patients, as they are more effective. Oxypyridone derivative can be used against fungus both on hands and feet, the effect will be in all cases.
They should be treated for no more than 6 months according to the system:
- 1 month - 1 rub. after 2 days;
- 2 months - no more than 2 rubles. during the week;
- 3 months - 1 rub. during the week.
Side effects can include peeling and skin irritation.
Formic aldehyde varnish
It has a disinfecting effect. Its dosage has been developed so that it does not damage the cells, but restores them.
The varnish is able to restore the structure of the nail plate and nearby tissues. Relieves irritation, itching and removes unpleasant odor. Treats fingernail and toenail fungus.
To start using, you need to shake it and apply a thin layer. A few minutes are enough to dry. A film is then formed that does not allow air to pass through. Every day the sick nail should be covered with this varnish. The result will be visible after 2-3 months.
The course of complete cure of the fungus is 6 months.After recovery, it is worthwhile to carry out prevention at least once a week..
There are no contraindications. But in some cases it may not be tolerated individually.
Antifungal kit
It consists of 10 pcs. disposable nail files and serum. The main composition of whey is water, and the active element is rye enzyme.
It has beneficial properties due to its presence inside:
- dimethylisosorbide (provides deep penetration);
- hydroxyethylcellulose (polymeric thickener);
- pentylene glycol (improves the process of the drug).
Before use, you need to steam the sick nail.
- Gently treat the damaged nail with a nail file once a week.
- Apply this polish to the entire nail every morning and night for at least a month.
- It should dry no more than three minutes.

Duration of treatment – 28 days. And for prevention, at least 6 months.
Contraindications: cannot be used by children under four years of age.
Also, the functions of all drugs include prevention and prevention of disease recurrence.
Tools and care products for the affected nail should be disinfected and sterilized.
This is necessary so that you do not get infected with the fungus again.
The list of drugs to fight yeast infections includes strong, inexpensive drugs.
In order not to injure your nails, you need to take care of them and carry out preventive procedures from time to time.